Sunday, February 16, 2014

#3 Brother's Hot Friend


My morning started whit some masturbation. And I hate doing that in the morning but I wanted to cum because I was releasing photos in my gay porn Instagram account which has already reached over 400 followers in just few days, that's amazing.

I went to toilet to clean my purple boxers out of the sperm and to do other morning things.

I really don't like masturbating in the morning because I will smell afterwards. I could have stopped before I had an orgasm but I just let it to come. This happens a lot on weekends because I don't have to go to school so I have time to do so but I'm going to erase that habit.

From Tumblr

Later, my big brother made a visit.

I was just sitting in my room and I heard that there was someone down stairs but I didn't know who.
Then my brothers dog walks into my room and I'm like wtf.
I guess he just came to give us some old furniture.

And he took his friend with him. He was so polite and seemed like a really nice guy and was extremely cute! And I was looking like shit because its weekend. And he even looked at my posters and pictures on my old room's wall, I guess he was the first one.

I was so hungry in the morning then I ate a cupcake, few candy's and drank some tea and now I'm not hungry at all. And there's soup on my table and I hate soup. I guess I wont eat it although I would like some real food. 


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